0% → 3%+ CRO Process

July 1, 2024
0% → 3%+ CRO Process

Increasing your conversion rate by even a few percentage points can drastically improve your business. The difference between a 0% and a 3% conversion rate might seem small, but it can mean a substantial increase in revenue and customer engagement. Our goal is to help you turn your visitors into loyal customers by following a structured Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) process.

We start by identifying the strengths of your brand and products. Understanding what sets you apart is crucial for the rest of the optimization process. Next, we analyze where shoppers drop off using reliable data from tools like Google Analytics. By pinpointing these exit points, we can focus on the most critical areas for improvement.

We then delve into why shoppers leave your site. Using tools like Microsoft Clarity and Hotjar, we gather insights about user behavior. This helps us understand barriers to conversion and create strategies to address them. Finally, after studying competitors and designing A/B tests, we implement and test various CRO strategies to find what works best for your site. This methodical approach ensures that each step is backed by data and aimed at boosting your conversion rates effectively.

Identify Brand & Product Strengths

Understanding what sets your brand and products apart is the first step in the Conversion Rate Optimization process. We begin by diving deep into your brand's back story. What makes your brand unique? What are the core values and missions that define it? Pinpointing these elements helps create a foundation for all future optimizations. For example, if your brand is committed to sustainability, this could be a key selling point that resonates with your target audience.

Next, we thoroughly examine the strengths of your products. What makes them different and better than competitors? Perhaps your product has a unique feature, a superior design, or better quality. We look for these unique selling points and document them. These insights become invaluable in later stages of the process, such as crafting engaging content and creating effective A/B tests.

This step helps us build a strong narrative around your brand and products, which is essential for a successful CRO. By identifying and highlighting what sets you apart, we can create more compelling and persuasive content that encourages visitors to convert into customers.

Analyze Shopper Drop-off Points

The next step is to figure out where shoppers exit your site. To do this, we use tools like Google Analytics to gather data on user behavior. It's important to ensure that the data is accurate before diving into analysis. We look at key metrics such as high bounce rates on landing pages and products that receive views but not purchases. These metrics help us identify where potential customers are losing interest and leaving your site.

One effective way to analyze drop-off points is to focus on the most landed pages with high bounce rates. These pages serve as the first impression for many visitors, so optimizing them can make a significant impact. Additionally, we check the products that get a lot of views but few purchases. Understanding why this happens can reveal barriers to conversion, such as unclear product information or a lack of trust signals.

Furthermore, we look at which stage of the buyer journey has the highest drop-off rate. Is it at the product view, add-to-cart, or checkout stage? Identifying these pain points allows us to prioritize which areas need immediate attention, making it easier to implement targeted strategies to improve conversion rates.

Investigate Reasons Behind Shopper Exit

Understanding why shoppers leave your site is crucial for improving conversion rates. We use tools like Microsoft Clarity and Hotjar to gather insights about user behavior on your site. These tools provide valuable data on how users interact with different elements, such as images, product descriptions, and call-to-action (CTA) buttons.

For example, if your add-to-cart rate is low, you might want to explore a few specific metrics:

- What percentage of users swiped the images?

- How many users read the description?

- What percentage saw the add-to-cart CTA?

These questions help identify where potential customers might be experiencing issues. Additionally, utilizing chatbots, running surveys, conducting call follow-ups, and even Instagram polls can provide direct feedback from users about their shopping experience. These methods help collect qualitative data, which can be just as crucial as quantitative data for understanding user behavior.

By combining these insights, we can pinpoint specific reasons why users hesitate to make a purchase. This knowledge forms the basis for targeted improvements, making it possible to address user concerns and obstacles more effectively.

Implement and Test CRO Strategies

Once we've gathered all the data and insights, the next step is to put together a conversion rate optimization strategy. We start by studying qualified competitors to understand industry best practices and trends. Knowing what works for competitors can guide us in creating more effective CRO tactics while ensuring your brand stands out.

Creating an A/B testing plan is essential for implementing strategies. We outline what elements to test based on the data collected. For example, we might test different headlines, images, or CTA placements to see which version performs better. After finalizing the plan, we design the high-priority tests and get approvals before proceeding.

Going live with the test involves several steps:

1. Choosing a tool for A/B testing.

2. Splitting the traffic between the control and variation versions.

3. Setting up the goals for each test.

4. Previewing everything to ensure it works correctly.

5. Launching the test.

These steps ensure that you gather accurate, actionable data to make informed decisions. Continuous monitoring and adjustments based on test results help in refining your CRO strategies for optimal performance.


Improving your conversion rate from 0% to 3%+ is not an overnight task. It involves a systematic approach, starting from identifying your brand and product strengths to analyzing why shoppers leave your site. By investigating shopping behavior, we can find actionable insights that guide our CRO strategies. Implementing and testing these strategies efficiently helps us refine the processes and achieve better results.

If you're eager to boost your conversion rates and turn visitors into loyal customers, let's get started today. At Rocket CRO Lab, we specialize in creating effective CRO processes that deliver results. Contact our CRO agency now to transform your conversion journey and grow your business exponentially.

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